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1.Di Chiara G. Role of dopamine in the behavioural actions of nicotine related to addiction. Eur J Pharmacol 2000 Mar 30;393(1-3):295-314
2.Di Chiara G. Drug addiction as dopamine-dependent associative learning disorder.Eur J Pharmacol 1999 Jun 30;375(1-3):13-30
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4.Bassareo V, Di Chiara G. Differential responsiveness of dopamine transmission to food-stimuli in nucleus accumbens shell/core compartments. Neuroscience 1999 Mar;89(3):637-41
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11.Robinson TE, Berridge KC. The psychology and neurobiology of addiction: an incentive-sensitization view. Addiction 2000 Aug;95 Suppl 2:S91-117
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18.Berke JD, Hyman SE. Addiction, dopamine, and the molecular mechanisms of memory. Neuron 2000 Mar;25(3):515-32
19.Boening JA. Neurobiology of an addiction memory. J Neural Transm 2001;108(6):755-65
20.Nestler EJ, Barrot M, Self DW. DeltaFosB: a sustained molecular switch for addiction. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2001 Sep 25;98(20):11042-6
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24.Sakai N, Thome J, Newton SS, Chen J, Kelz MB, Steffen C, Nestler EJ, Duman RS. Inducible and brain region-specific CREB transgenic mice. Mol Pharmacol 2002 Jun;61(6):1453-64
25.Canales JJ, Capper-Loup C, Hu D, Choe ES, Upadhyay U, Graybiel AM. Shifts in striatal responsivity evoked by chronic stimulation of dopamine and glutamate systems. Brain 2002 Oct;125(Pt 10):2353-2363
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30.Nestler EJ. Molecular basis of long-term plasticity underlying addiction. Nat Rev Neurosci 2001 Feb;2(2):119-28
31.Self DW, Nestler EJ. Relapse to drug-seeking: neural and molecular mechanisms. Drug Alcohol Depend 1998 Jun-Jul;51(1-2):49-60
32.Nestler EJ. Molecular neurobiology of addiction. Am J Addict 2001 Summer;10(3):201-17
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34.Barrot M, Olivier JD, Perrotti LI, DiLeone RJ, Berton O, Eisch AJ, Impey S, Storm DR, Neve RL, Yin JC, Zachariou V, Nestler EJ. CREB activity in the nucleus accumbens shell controls gating of behavioral responses to emotional stimuli. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002 Aug 20;99(17):11435-40
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37.Gardner EL. What we have learned about addiction from animal models of drug self-administration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002 Apr 30;99(9):6382-5.
38.Heishman SJ. Behavioral and cognitive effects of smoking: relationship to nicotine addiction. Nicotine Tob Res 1999;1 Suppl 2:S143-7; discussion S165-6.
39.Sinha R. How does stress increase risk of drug abuse and relapse? Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2001 Dec;158(4):343-59
40.Gerra et al., Serotonin transporter gene variants in heroin dependent subjects: relationship with personality traits. Neuropsychiatric genetic, in press
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47.Gerra G., Ferri M., Zaimovic A., Giucastro G., Palladino M., Sartori R., Delsignore R., Maestri D., Marzocchi G., Brambilla F. Gabaergic function in detoxified heroin addicts: relationship to anxiety disorders. Psychiatry Research, 77:89-96, 1998
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49.Gerra G., Zaimovic A., Timpano M., Zambelli U., Begarani M., Marzocchi G.F., Ferri M., Delsignore R., Brambilla F., Neuroendocrine correlates of temperament traits in abstinent opiate addicts. Journal of Substance Abuse, 11:337-354, 2000.
50.Young et al., 2002. Dopamine transporter polymorphism associated with externalizing behavior problems in children. Am J Med Genet
51.Gerra G., Zaimovic A., Moi G., Delsignore R.*, Caccavari R., Brambilla F. Neuroendocrine correlates of antisocial personality disorder in abstinent heroin dependent subjects. Addiction Biology, in press
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54.Gerra G., Caccavari R., Fontanesi B., Delsignore R., Fertonani AG., Marcato A., Maestri D, Avanzini P., Perna G., Brambilla F. Alpha-2-adrenoreceptors sensitivity in heroin addicts with and without previous attention deficit disorder/ hyperactivity and conduct disorder. Neuropsychobiology , 30: 15-19, 1994.
55.Gill M, Daly G, Heron S, Hawi Z, Fitzgerald M. Confirmation of association between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and a dopamine transporter polymorphism. Mol Psychiatry 1997 Jul;2(4):311-3
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